Wednesday 31 May 2023

NATURE GAVE US LIFE : How was moon created by nature

Everyone don't know that how was moon created by nature. It was also during this eon , roughly 4.48 billion years ago (or 70–110 million years after the start of the Solar System) – that the Earth’s only satellite, the Moon, was formed. The most common theory, known as the “giant impact hypothesis” proposes that the Moon originated after a body the size of Mars (sometimes named Theia) struck the proto-Earth a glancing blow.

When the giant impact happened, Earth's iron core had already formed. The impactor itself also had an iron core which melted on impact and was added to Earth's core. Some of the debris from the rocky mantles of both Earth and the impactor was ejected into orbit, forming the much smaller Moon. Because so little metallic iron was blown out to orbit, the Moon ended up with a tiny core. And new findings support this hypothesis. The lunar rock samples matched the rocks from Earth's crust and mantle, but bore no resemblance to the Earth's interior rock.

After massive collision between earth and theia, their small particles scattered in space. The particles pulled together by the gravity and earth and moon comes in its shape.

This all was the strategy of nature to create the life on the earth. But still there was many poisonous gases present on the earth so there no sign of life yet. It  wonder me sometimes that how big the universe is, and life is only evolved in our planet earth only because of nature powers.
Their is billion, trillion galaxies and planet present in the space but nature create life on this small planet earth. 

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